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How to Soothe a Teething Baby

As newborns grow, their baby teeth typically emerge when they are between six months and a year old. During this teething phase, you might notice your baby becoming fussy and drooling more frequently. Fortunately, our pediatric dental team is here to assist you. We’ve compiled a list of effective tips to help soothe your teething baby and make the process more manageable.

Recognizing Teething Signs in Your Baby

While the timing of teething can vary, the following signs are commonly observed in teething infants. Recognizing these signs early allows you to provide the necessary comfort:

  • Excessive drooling
  • Increased fussiness
  • Heightened irritability
  • Sore, tender, or red gums
  • Chewing on objects
  • Developing a drool rash around the mouth

Effective Tips for Soothing a Teething Baby

Use Chilled Teething Toys or Pacifiers

Teething toys can be particularly beneficial during this period. Place them in the freezer for a few minutes to cool them down, which adds a soothing, chilling effect when your baby chews on them. This method can also be applied to pacifiers. Always make sure these items are clean before freezing and giving them to your baby.

Opt for a Cold Washcloth

If teething toys are not available, a cold washcloth can serve as an alternative. Soak a clean washcloth in cold water, wring out the excess, and let your baby gently chew on it. Ensure to supervise them closely to prevent choking. Freezing a soft wet washcloth and allowing your baby to chew on it can also be helpful.

Create Frozen Popsicles

Mothers can freeze their milk or small chunks of fruit to make soothing popsicles. These not only provide relief to your baby’s gums but also ensure they receive essential nutrients during a time when they might be less inclined to eat due to discomfort.

Offer Extra Tender Loving Care

Teething can be a daunting experience for your baby, so extra cuddles and comforting can go a long way. Regularly wipe their drool and change their outfits frequently. Using bibs can also help keep them clean and warm.

Regular Pediatric Dentist Appointments at Lindner Dental Associates

Teething can be a challenging time for both babies and their parents. If you’re finding it difficult to comfort your teething baby, our team at Lindner Dental Associates is here to help. Our skilled pediatric dental team understands the intricacies of caring for young children and aims to keep them comfortable both at home and during dental visits. While teething is a natural process, providing effective relief at home isn’t always straightforward. We recommend these tips to help keep your child at ease as they go through this phase.

For any additional questions or to schedule an oral exam with our experienced pediatric
dental team
, please contact us. To learn more, call us in Bedford, NH at 603-624-3900.