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Author: Karen Girard

Tips for Helping Your Child Deal with Sensitive Teeth

Most children try to avoid brushing their teeth at all costs and some kids need to do this because their teeth are much too sensitive. There are several reasons for this but it can be difficult for a parent to determine the root of the issue. Determining what to use for sensitive teeth means you must figure out why your child’s teeth are sensitive to begin with.

Causes of Sensitive Teeth in Children

Typically, people have sensitive teeth between the ages of 25-30 but children can experience this too. If your child has poor dental habits, tooth enamel will wear down and your child will have tooth sensitivity. They might feel the sensation when in contact with a toothbrush or eating cold food. Your child could have chipped a tooth in a sports injury, or when eating hard candy, he or she feels sensitivity. In this case, the bacteria irritates the tooth due to the exposed dentin.

Select the Right Toothpaste

There are an abundance of toothpastes available for those with sensitive teeth. However, make sure you speak with a dentist prior to purchasing.

Use Fluoride

In-office fluoride treatments work to strengthen enamel on the teeth and lower the risk of tooth decay. Fluoride in gel or foam form should only be used if your child is at a great risk of tooth decay.

Encourage Better Oral Hygiene

If it’s your child’s oral hygiene that is causing he teeth sensitivity, you must encourage better oral hygiene. This will greatly improve your child’s comfort level when brushing. Make sure they brush twice a day, floss daily and rinse. A toothbrush with soft bristles will also reduce the likelihood of feeling teeth sensitivity again.

When sensitivity becomes an ongoing issue, contact Lindner Dental and we’ll gladly take a look. We have years of experience with pediatric dentistry, infant dental care, sports related injuries and more. Give us a call today at 603.624.3900.

Why It’s Important to Clean Your Tongue

It’s common knowledge that brushing and flossing twice a day is crucial but if you avoid brushing your tongue, you aren’t properly fighting bacteria.

The buildup of bacteria on your tongue isn’t from harmless saliva, it’s microorganisms that gather on the surface of the tongue. Killing the bacteria on the tongue is much more difficult than removing it from the teeth because the biofilm cells are still thriving under the surface.

The Proper Way to Clean Your Tongue

Every time you brush your teeth make sure to brush your tongue as well. All you need to do is brush back and forth, side to side and then rinse your mouth with water.

A tongue scraper is a great tool that sufficiently peels mucus from the tongue. The scraper should be rinsed with warm water after each swipe. Use light pressure and focus on the center of the tongue to prevent bleeding.

Cavities & Brushing Your Tongue

Any bacteria that has been left behind on your tongue leads to bacteria on the teeth. This can cause cavities and lead to tooth decay. Bacteria will have a negative impact on tooth enamel and increase the likelihood of decay as well as gum disease.

Benefits of Cleaning Your Tongue

Not only does cleaning your tongue remove hazardous toxins and bacteria from the mouth but it can also enhance your taste buds. All the gunk on your tongue that builds up can block your taste buds. Removing the plaque will expose the taste buds and make the food you eat more flavorful.

Toxins won’t get reabsorbed by the body either when you scrape the bacteria off your tongue. Additionally, saliva production is increased which promotes a better digestion.

Bad breath is typically caused by a build-up of food, bacteria, fungi and dead cells on the back of the tongue. Even if the front of your tongue looks healthy, the back of your tongue could have a great deal of buildup which people can smell. You can say goodbye to bad breath when you regularly clean your tongue.

For more information regarding tongue cleaning, call the expert dentists at Lindner Dental at 603.624.3900. Feel free to contact us to schedule regular cleanings.


Why Are My Gums Bleeding?

Bleeding gums typically occur when flossing or brushing teeth and while a small amount of blood may not seem like anything to worry about, when this happens consistently you shouldn’t ignore it. This can happen if pregnant or if you suffer from gingivitis. If you’ve recently changed your oral care routine, your gums could also bleed.


As mentioned, gingivitis is one of the leading causes of gum disease. Plaque along the teeth and gum line that have not been fully removed can lead to an infection in the gums. For those with gingivitis, gums will be swollen or tender.

Various Medications

Bleeding gums can be caused by several different medications including medicine to reduce blood clotting.

Flossing Routine

If you’ve recently switched up your flossing routine this could lead to bleeding gums. If you forgot to floss for a few days or if you’ve started flossing more regularly, you could notice bleeding gums. However, the bleeding should subside in one week.

New Toothbrush

Changing from a soft-bristled brush to a firm toothbrush is another major cause of bleeding gums. Make sure to ask your dentist which type of toothbrush is best for you at your next appointment.


Many pregnant women have swollen gums or bleeding teeth while brushing. This is due to hormonal changes, changing the way our body responds to bacteria. Be sure to have a dental checkup and brush regularly to prevent gum issues from growing.

If you notice your gums are bleeding but don’t know why, contact Lindner Dental at 603.624. 3900. We provide infant dental care, pediatric dentistry, Invisalign and more!


Top Reasons for a Toothache

Even if you have exceptional oral hygiene care there will be a day where you experience a toothache. Cavities are typically the main cause of a tooth ache but there are several other factors that could trigger this.

Braces or Dental Alignments

When braces are tightened or adjusted patients typically notice a fair amount of pain. However, this will decrease within a few days. If the pain does persist, you may need your orthodontist to readjust your orthodontic appliance.

Wisdom Teeth

Misaligned teeth can push against each other which causes aches and pain. Wisdom teeth that are impacted and haven’t broken through the gum line can be very painful. Surgery may need to be undergone to fix the impacted wisdom teeth but you will need to discuss this with your orthodontist.

Brushing Your Teeth Incorrectly

Many people press too hard when brushing and flossing their teeth which typically leads to irritated or inflamed gums. When a significant amount of pressure is used every day, the gums will recede, leading to a toothache.

Grinding Your Teeth

People who grind their teeth while sleeping or when stressed typically suffer from toothaches. When you grind your teeth you’ll not only have toothaches but you can experience sore jaw bones, joints, headaches, etc.

Damaged Fillings

Dental fillings protect vulnerable parts of your teeth and when they are damaged, sensitive parts are exposed to food particles and bacteria. The pain could be a dull ache or a piercing sensation. If you notice a damaged filling, make sure to book an emergency appointment with the dentist.

Hot or Cold Foods

Have you ever felt pain after biting into food that is either hot or extremely cold? There’s a good chance that the enamel on your tooth has worn down and the dentin is now exposed.

Fractured Tooth

Fractured teeth often occur when playing sports or biting down on a hard candy. When you feel pain, the fracture probably went up to the middle of the tooth and leads to a serious amount of pain.

Gum Disease

Bleeding gums or pain in the mouth are both signs of gum disease. When this is left untreated, the teeth, gums and bones can be damaged or lost. You’ll need to have surgery to remove the infection from the mouth.


If you haven’t seen a dentist about your tooth decay and it grows worse than the root under the surface has most likely become infected too. This typically leads to a serious amount of pain and it can be quite challenging to figure out which tooth it’s from.

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is by far the leading cause of a toothache.  The decay is typically in the inner layer of the tooth and the dentin becomes extremely sensitive. When the ache turns into a pain, then the tooth decay is probably in the center of the tooth.

If you find yourself with any of the symptoms above but you’re still not sure why you are experiencing a toothache, call Lindner Dental at 603.624.3900. Our dentists will gladly examine your teeth to determine the root of the issue.


Reasons You Need a Dental Checkup

Dental checkups should be done every six months to maintain your oral hygiene. In between dental visits, it’s important to clean your teeth and gums twice a day. Let’s explore what goes on during a dental cleanup and why it’s important.

Enamel Removal

Even if you scrub your teeth several times a day, you’ll never get into those hard-to-reach areas. Plaque builds up, creates tartar and then hardens which leads to cavities. An expert dental technician will make sure to remove any tartar on the teeth.


If you feel pain in your mouth but don’t know the cause, an x-ray is the best way to discover the issue; you could potentially have impacted wisdom teeth or you may need a root canal. X-rays will help your dentist determine what the issue is.

Check for Cavities

Once you have your usual cleaning, the dentist will look at your teeth for cavities. If you already have a cavity and it tears into the enamel, the pulp can become inflamed and lead to root damage. Having a regular checkup will prevent your cavities from growing worse.

Overall Health

When patients don’t practice good oral hygiene, this can complicate other conditions including heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and endocarditis.

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea occurs when someone stops breathing in small intervals. It not only causes drowsiness but it can lead to heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure. A customized mouth guard may be made by your dentist to open the airway and eliminate snoring.

Screening of Oral Cancer

There are about 130 new cases of oral cancer every day in the U.S. By detecting this early at a dental checkup, you can significantly increase your chances of survival.

Contact Lindner Dental at 603.624.3900 to receive your dental checkup today! We offer pediatric dentistry, infant dental care, restorative dentistry and more.

What You Need to Know About Dental Insurance

Seeing your dentist regularly not only ensures that you have good oral health but it can save you from gum disease and cavities. By purchasing dental insurance, you can prevent yourself and your family from costly surgeries.

Understanding Dental Insurance

If you receive dental insurance through your company, you pay a premium and the insurance company will cover a portion of the dental services.

Dental insurance comes in a few different types of plans:

  • Dental Health Maintenance Organization (DHMO) – You must visit an in-network dentist.
  • Dental Preferred Provider Organization (DPPO) – You receive coverage with in- or out-of-network dentists.
  • Dental Indemnity Plan – You can choose from any dentist with no difference in cost.
  • Discount Dental Plan – You pay for all dental services with a discounted rate.

The Importance of Dental Insurance

When you schedule regular dental visits, you can prevent common dental issues such as gum inflammation, bad breath and tooth decay. If you do not treat any of these symptoms, you may end up with more painful problems in the near future. Dental exams will determine whether your dental problems are serious or minimal.

What Will Be Covered?

Typically, dental insurance covers preventative and diagnostic procedures, helping to eliminate more expensive services such as dental disease or surgery. Each service fits into a different category of services, depending on the difficulty and cost.

  • Class I: Diagnostic & preventative care such as cleanings and X-rays
  • Class II: Basic care such as fillings & root canals
  • Class III: Major services such as crowns & dentures
  • Class IV: Orthodontics

Dental coverage is also dependent on several other factors and they’re also limited. For example, most plans limit the number of cleanings and exams to two per year. Fluoride treatments are generally covered for children but rarely for adults.

How Does Dental Coverage Work?

Dental coverage is actually quite simple to figure out. All you need to do is pay premiums and your insurance will cover the dental costs. Exams and cleanings are generally covered at 100% while you may need to pay a deductible or copay for other services.

If you have dental insurance and you’re ready to receive our services, contact Lindner Dental at 603.624.3900.

Early Warning Signs of Gum Disease

Commonly known as periodontal disease, gum disease is a major cause of tooth loss but it can easily be treated if caught early on. If you notice any of the symptoms listed below, call Lindner Dental and we’ll gladly take a look.

Signs & Symptoms of Gum Disease

  • Bleeding gums
  • Red, tender or swollen gums
  • Gums are pulling away from the teeth
  • Chronic bad breath
  • Noticeably different bite
  • Loose teeth

Cause of Gum Disease

Gum disease develops when plaque isn’t fully removed from the gum lines. Bone and gum tissue can get destroyed from the bacteria found in plaque. Sugary foods actually feed bacteria which leads to oral gum disease.

Brushing your teeth multiple times a day is always beneficial but not when it comes to completely removing plaque. You must floss your teeth every day! Tartar will build up on the teeth if plaque is not removed. When tartar is left on the teeth, it can lead to infection and inflammation which causes gum disease.

Major risk factors of gum disease include:

  • Chewing tobacco
  • Smoking
  • Diabetes
  • Crooked teeth
  • Broken fillings

Diagnosing Gum Disease

At the dentist, you’ll have your gums probed with a ruler to check for inflammation. This measures the pockets around your teeth. The normal depth should be one to three millimeters.

When you work with Lindner Dental, we’ll help determine whether you’re at risk for gum disease. If you do have gum disease, we will gladly refer you to a periodontist.

Treating Gum Disease

You must practice regular oral hygiene and eliminate smoking if possible. Practice deep cleaning such as scaling to remove tartar above and below the gum line. Also, root planning smooths rough spots and lasers can be used to remove tartar with less pain.

There are several medications that can also be used such as an antibiotic mouthwash, antibiotic microspheres, oral antibiotics and doxycycline.

Contact Lindner Dental at 603.624.3900 if you feel you may have gum disease.

Are You Prone to Cavities?

Even if you brush and floss several times a day, you can still get cavities. Unfortunately, your diet and DNA have a major influence on how prone you are to getting cavities.

Due to our sugary western diets, dentists are seeing more and more cavities among patients. As the bacteria in our bodies breaks down sucrose, they can enter the crevices in the teeth and begin the decaying process. Some of us may feel the effects of sugar more than others due to a genetic component.

The formation of cavities consists of a two-part combination – sugar being fermented by the bacteria and the hole in the tooth. Some of us are more susceptible to cavities because they have a naturally deep crevice. If you are one of these people, we highly recommend getting sealants to seal the deep crevices. This will ensure that bacteria and sugar does not seep into the teeth.

While there may not be evidence that brushing your teeth immediately after eating sugary treats, it certainly doesn’t hurt. Flossing is also crucial as it has been tied to inflammation which can lead to heart disease.

Tooth enamel is something that patients should consider as some people have softer tooth enamel, making it easier for bacteria to get into the teeth. The strength of your saliva helps to metabolize food as well; calcium, potassium and other aspects are crucial to maintaining healthy teeth.

One of the best things you can do to protect yourself against tooth decay is take a fluoride supplement. You can get it from toothpaste, dental treatments or in tablet form.

If you need a dental cleaning in Bedford NH, call Lindner Dental at 603.624.3900. We offer pediatric dental care, infant dental care and dental treatments for sports related injuries.

Fixing a Chipped Tooth

Whether you’ve simply fallen during a physical activity or chewed on a piece of hard candy, a chipped tooth can leave you feeling quite embarrassed. Before you begin to panic, a chipped tooth can always be repaired. There are actually several methods that can be used to get your smile looking back to normal.

Different Kinds of Cracked or Chipped Teeth

Craze lines are one of the more common types of cracked teeth in adults and this really only affects the outer enamel. These are typically shallow and do not cause any pain.

A fractured cusp occurs when part of the tooth’s chewing surface comes off but fortunately, no pain is caused.

Cracked teeth should be treated immediately! A cracked tooth generally extends from the chewing surface directly to the root. If you don’t diagnose and fix the problem, it will grow worse over time.

Well, if you haven’t repaired that cracked tooth, you most likely now have a split tooth. Unfortunately, there will be very apparent segments that are separated and the tooth cannot be saved intact.

Methods to Repair Your Chipped Tooth

  1. Dental Bonding

Composite bonding is one of the most popular methods in repairing chipped, cracked or decayed teeth. Once this process is completed, your fixed tooth will last up to an entire decade! The tooth is roughened and a conditioning liquid is put on. Next, putty is applied and molded, and a UV light hardens the composite. Once dried, the material is polished to match the other teeth.

  1. Veneers

Porcelain veneers are a bit pricier but aesthetically, they are the most authentic. Veneers are bonded to the front of the teeth and last roughly 30 years.

A portion of the tooth’s structure needs to be removed and then impressions will be taken. You can select the size, shape and shade. You’ll wear temporary veneers while these ones are being made at the lab. Once these are all set, you can have the veneers bonded to the front of your teeth.

  1. Crowns

Crowns are necessary when you feel discomfort chewing or drinking. This restorative treatment is used often and acts as a cap that covers the tooth. A crown will prevent you from losing your tooth and stop any pain that occurs during chewing.

  1. Root Canal

A root canal must be executed if the crack in your tooth extends into the pulp. A crown should be put on after the procedure to protect the crack. This procedure involves clearing the decayed tooth and removing the nerve.

  1. Dental Implant

When you have a crack that goes beneath the gum line, the tooth cannot be treated. Your tooth will need to be pulled out and a dental implant will be needed. Dental implants act as the root of the tooth and are placed in the jawbone.

If you’re suffering from a broken or cracked tooth, contact the team at Lindner Dental at 603.944.9196. We also offer pediatric dentistry, infant dental care, Invisalign and cosmetic dentistry.