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How Often Should Kids Get Dental X-Rays?

A common question that parents often ask is how frequently their children need dental X-rays. Here at Lindner Dental, we recommend that children receive X-rays once per year. This can vary depending on specific factors for your child. The American Dental Association recommends that children receive X-rays every 12–24 months if they are between the ages of one and five, and every 12–36 months if they are between the ages of six and 12. However, the frequency of x-rays depends on several factors, including the child’s age, oral health, and risk for disease:

High-risk status:
Children with a history of cavities, signs of plaque or tartar build-up, or other caries risk factors should have x-rays every 6–12 months.

Healthy dental exams:
Children and teens who have healthy dental exams may have x-rays less frequently.

Panoramic x-rays:
Panoramic x-rays, which show all teeth and the jaw, may be necessary every three to five years.

Why Do Children Need Dental X-Rays?

X-rays are a helpful diagnostic tool, especially for children. Children experience a large transitionary period where their first set of teeth erupt through the gum line and are later replaced by their adult teeth. X-rays can help ensure that a child’s oral development is progressing as it should be. There are also some issues that might increase the need for dental X-rays for kids. They include:
● Dental Cavities
● Periodontal disease
● Loose adult teeth
● Dental trauma
● Crowded teeth
● Toothaches
● Tooth development issues
● Tumors or cysts
● Dental abscesses
● Misaligned teeth
● Extra teeth

Are Dental X-Rays Safe For Kids?

Dental X-rays are a safe and painless procedure. Images of their mouth, jaw, bones, and teeth
will be captured and developed digitally for your pediatric dentist to observe. As a parent, you
may have some concerns regarding the fact that dental X-Rays use radiation. However, not only
is the amount of radiation safe, it is a fraction of the amount used to scan broken bones.
Regardless of why your child needs X-rays, you can rest assured that your child is in good
hands. Lindner Dental Associates strives to keep your child comfortable during the entire
procedure. Learn more about our pediatric dental services and schedule your child’s checkup
with us today.

Types of X-Rays Your Child May Need

There are several types of X-rays available for your child during their pediatric dental
appointment. Every kind of dental X-ray is intended to diagnose problems on that side of the
mouth where it can not be seen with the naked eye. Below are the different types of X-rays we
offer at Lindner Dental Associates to ensure your child’s oral health is in check.

Pediatric Bitewing X-Rays

Bitewings are among the most common X-rays pediatric dentists will perform on your child.
These X-rays are given yearly to diagnose any potential cavities in the back molars. These X-
rays are done on each side of the mouth and can show misalignment that may be in the back of
the molars. Allowing your child to have pediatric bitewings at their checkup will ensure their
teeth can be seen and are free of any tooth decay or misalignment that cannot be seen with the
naked eye.

Pediatric Panoramic X-Rays

A panoramic X-ray is a digital image of your child’s entire mouth. These X-rays are given less
regularly but are one of the most effective ways to see the entire mouth. A panoramic X-ray
machine will capture the whole mouth in just a single image. This includes their upper and lower
jaws, teeth, and all the surrounding structures. This will give your pediatric dentist a clear visual
of where molars are coming in and if there is an abscess, tooth decay, or other alignment issues
in the mouth. Panoramic X-rays are commonly given before undergoing orthodontic treatments
like braces, Invisalign, or 3D Printed LightForce braces.

Pediatric Periapical X-Rays

Sometimes, full mouth X-rays or bitewings are not necessary for your child’s specific situation. A
periapical X-ray is an image of just one tooth or a few small teeth in one area. These X-rays may be performed on your child if they show signs of toothache or are experiencing discomfort or problems in a certain area of the mouth. These images are captured by taking that specific small section of the mouth and capturing the root to the crown. This will allow your pediatric dentist to assess any problems with the structure or root of the tooth and determine how to treat your child as necessary.

Schedule A Pediatric Dental Appointment At Lindner Dental Associates

Lindner Dental Associates of Bedford, NH is your trusted local pediatric dental and orthodontist
practice. We are committed to providing exceptional dental care for children of all ages. If your
child is ready for their first dental visit, or you need to set up a recurring appointment, our team
is more than happy to help. We offer comprehensive oral exams and cleanings, dental x-rays,
and other specialty dental care for your child, all under the same roof. Learn more about our
pediatric dental services, or call us to schedule an appointment at 603-624-3900.

Why Would My Child Need To See An Orthodontist?

There are many reasons why children need to see an orthodontist. Orthodontic problems rarely
correct themselves, so if you suspect your child may have an issue with development or
alignment of their teeth or jaws, it is a good idea to schedule an appointment with a board-
certified orthodontist. During the initial consultation, they can identify problems and plan for the
future. Early monitoring is key to setting your child’s smile up for success in the future.

Common Signs Children Should Seek Orthodontic Care

  • Underbites
  • Overbites
  • Crowded teeth
  • Excessive space between teeth
  • Missing teeth
  • Extra teeth
  • Misaligned Teeth
  • Thumb sucking
  • Mouth breathing
  • Difficulty chewing

When Should My Child Have Their Orthodontic Visit?

At Lindner Dental Associates, we recommend that your child visit the orthodontist for the first
time around the age of 7. At this age, most children will begin to lose baby teeth, and permanent
teeth will start to erupt. While the orthodontist likely won’t recommend any treatment at such a
young age, it is a good idea to start the process of monitoring growth and development.

What Will Happen During Their Initial Visit?

At the initial visit, your child will meet their orthodontist and the team. The orthodontist will first
discuss any oral habits, look at the dental development, the spacing and alignment of the teeth,
and the jaw relationship. The orthodontist may suggests a panoramic x-ray to get a closer look
at dental development. It is also common to take photos at that initial visit. Sometimes, the
orthodontist may recommend treatment, if needed, at which point the team will review the next
steps. If no treatment is needed, the orthodontist will likely want to see you back in a year to
continue to monitor growth and development.

Schedule A Consultation With A Board-Certified Orthodontist At Lindner Dental For Your Child

At Lindner Dental Associates, we offer various orthodontic treatments for children in Bedford,
NH. Our team helps guide your child in the right direction whether they need braces, a palate
expander, retainers, or growth modification appliances. We offer traditional metal braces, 3D
Printed LightForce braces, and Invisalign so your child can get a dedicated treatment plan for
their teeth. Learn more about our orthodontic services and schedule your child’s initial visit

How To Make Brushing Teeth Fun For Your Child

As a parent, your child’s health is your top priority. However, teaching your child the
importance of good oral health can be very challenging, especially for young children. For
children who are not yet school age or able to tie their own shoelaces, parents and caregivers
should be brushing and flossing their children’s teeth. However, it is important to empower
your child to actively engage with their oral health as they grow too. If your children enjoy
taking care of their teeth, they are more likely to retain the lessons you are teaching them.
Positive reinforcement can be beneficial as it will help your child establish healthy habits.
We recommend that your child be seen by a dentist at least twice a year. Pediatric dentists
choose to pursue additional education beyond dental school to specialize in the management
and treatment of children and their dental needs. If you live in the Bedford, New Hampshire
area, our office would be happy to get your children in for an appointment. In the meantime,
here are a few ways to help make oral care more fun and engaging for your children.

Fun Ways To Make Brushing Teeth A Habit For Your Child

Make Brushing Teeth A Family Event

One of the best ways to ensure your child is effectively brushing their teeth and having fun is to
make teeth brushing a family event. Both morning and night, have your family brush their teeth
together so that you can demonstrate both good habits and techniques. For young children,
parents should be the ones brushing and flossing the teeth. As children grow and demonstrate
independence, a parent can ‘take turns’ with their child in brushing and flossing to ensure that
appropriate hygiene is being achieved. Many young children will mimic their parents, so ensure
you effectively brush your teeth for 2 minutes and flossing at least once daily. When the whole
family is actively engaged, children will begin to build a positive relationship towards their oral

Play Music And Make Brushing Teeth Interactive

Playing music while brushing teeth is a great way to add fun to your child’s dental care routine.
Select songs that are at least two minutes in length to ensure that enough time is dedicated
towards toothbrushing. Let your child pick the song each time they brush their teeth so they
can look forward to their next session. Making the session interactive and fun will prepare them
to brush their teeth again. And by letting children pick the songs, they can feel a sense of
ownership over their oral health.

Give Your Child A Special Toothbrush and Toothpaste

Giving your child a special toothbrush or toothpaste is a way to get them to look forward to
brushing their teeth. Many toothpastes are designed with children in mind – opting for ‘tasty’
flavors like bubble gum or strawberry! Creating the option of ‘choice’ is a great way to add fun to
the daily routine. A rice-sized smear of fluoride toothpaste is appropriate for children younger
than three years old who cannot spit and pea-sized amount of toothpaste is appropriate for
children beyond three years old. A cute toothbrush with their favorite animal or TV show will
help their oral hygiene routine seem like an activity to look forward to each and every day!

Contact Lindner Dental Associates For Pediatric Dental Care

If you are looking for tooth brushing tips for your child or want to set up their first appointment,
our pediatric dental team is here to help. Our board-certified pediatric dentists are patient and
gentle, yet they provide effective dental care for your child. We make your child’s first visit as
fun as possible. Our team makes going to the dentist a comfortable and interactive experience.
From our jungle-themed waiting room to our welcoming dental operatories, your child will find
the dentist to be a fun place they will want to return to time and time again at Lindner Dental.
Schedule an appointment today at 603-624-3900.