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How To Choose Which Braces Treatment Is Right For You

In this day and age modern technology has improved braces and the treatment options available to you if you are unhappy with your smile! Continue reading below to learn more about the different types of orthodontic treatment options and to consider which may be best for you based on your individual goals and lifestyle!

Types of Orthodontic Treatments

Traditional Metal Braces

Traditional metal braces are attached to the front of the teeth. Wires go through the braces and the little colored elastics hold the wire in place. The advantage of traditional metal braces is that since they are bonded to the teeth, they can’t get lost. You get to choose the colors of the elastics so you can have fun with coordinating with your favorite sports teams, holidays and other special events.

Invisalign Clear Aligners

Invisalign clear aligners are another way of straightening your teeth and improving your smile. The advantages of Invisalign aligners are that they are clear, removable and comfortable. This is a great option for patients who are concerned about the appearance of metal braces. Additionally, because they are removable there are no food restrictions!

3D Printed LightForces Braces

3D printed LightForce braces are custom designed for each patient. They are made with a ceramic material so they are clear, though patients can still opt to choose colors if they like to have fun with it. The customization and added precision with 3D printing can make your treatment more efficient!

What To Consider When Reviewing Treatment Options

Below, discover a few different factors to consider when you are deciding which option would be
right for you.


Invisalign is removable, which is a positive for some people but presents a challenge for others because it can get lost. When deciding to do an Invisalign program, you will need to take some responsibility for keeping track of your aligners and switching them on schedule. They need to be worn 20-22 hours a day to be effective. If you are a forgetful type of person, braces may be a better option because they are bonded to your teeth and you don’t risk losing them.


Some patients are concerned about what metal braces would like on their teeth. In those situations, ceramic brackets and Invisalign provide cosmetic alternatives to the metal braces. Other patients, kids and teenagers in particular, appreciate the ability to choose colors with their braces. In those cases, metal braces or LightForce braces are both great treatment options.

Dental Needs

During your initial consultation appointment, you will meet with Dr. Tracy or Dr. Jia and they will evaluate your tooth alignment, your bite, your jaw relationship and overall esthetics. Dr. Tracy or Dr. Jia will then provide recommendations regarding which type of treatment would provide the best results based on your specific needs.

Braces and Invisalign Orthodontic Treatments at Lindner Dental

At Lindner Dental Associates, our staff is committed to providing the Bedford, NH community with the highest quality services and care. Our board-certified orthodontists, Dr. Tracy and Dr. Jia, will spend the time to review your concerns and recommend treatment based on your individual goals and lifestyle. Learn more about our orthodontic treatment options and contact our office today for a complimentary consultation at 603-624-3900.

How To Teach Your Child Good Brushing Habits

Teaching your child good brushing habits at a young age is imperative for helping them develop excellent oral health. It may seem impossible to brush your child’s teeth, especially when they are young, but with practice and routine, it will soon become less daunting. Children learn by example and watching as you do, so show them the importance of brushing and flossing your teeth for a healthy, bright smile! Learn below how to teach your child good oral habits to last a lifetime.

Set A Positive Example

As mentioned above, children learn by watching their parents and are constantly learning how to take care of themselves from a young age. If they observe you brushing and flossing your teeth, they can be more inclined to want to do so themselves. While children are very young (prior to school-age), it is recommended to directly manage their oral health with their caretaker brushing and flossing for them since children do not yet have the dexterity to do so themselves. Children may want to brush independently, so as an alternative, you can offer to take turns with you to ensure the teeth are properly cleaned. Brush with them twice daily and make it a fun family time they will look forward to. Discussing the timing of when to allow your child a more independent approach with their oral hygiene routine (brushing and flossing on their own) is a conversation welcomed with your pediatric dentist.

Use The Right Toothbrush and Toothpaste

Sometimes, a certain style of toothbrush or toothpaste may not be the right fit for your child. As recommended by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, brushing with fluoridated toothpaste twice daily is one of the most effective ways in reducing the chance of dental caries in children. For children age 3 and less who are unable to spit, a rice or smear-sized amount of fluoridated toothpaste is appropriate. For children ages 3 to 6, a pea-sized amount is sufficient. Inspire and excite your child to brush by selecting a flavored fluoridated toothpaste that interests them. The same sentiment rings true regarding toothbrushes too; a soft bristle toothbrush with favorite colors or cartoon characters is an excellent choice. Allowing them to pick out their own toothbrush with a design they love will make their brushing time even more fun!

Explain and Positively Encourage Your Child

Sometimes your child may need encouragement or an explanation for why they are doing something. As you brush your teeth together, explain the importance of why you are doing it and how it keeps your mouth healthy and sparkling. Teach them that it removes plaque, germs and left behind food particles that could cause cavities. Remind them that teeth should be brushed for 2 minutes twice a day, and be sure to gently get all areas (top, bottom, back) of your mouth and tongue. Discuss the importance of flossing as well since the bristles of toothbrushes are not able to reach the areas in between the teeth. If you find yourself stuck with how to continue to foster a positive attitude for your child’s oral health, please feel comfortable to discuss this with your pediatric dentist at your child’s routine cleaning appointment.

Pediatric Dental Care At Lindner Dental Associates in Bedford, NH

For gentle and attentive pediatric dental services, contact Lindner Dental Associates. We know how important it is to establish healthy habits your child’s oral health at a young age and are committed to helping them become comfortable at the dentist. Oral health impacts the overall health of both young children and adults. Setting up good oral habits early on will allow them to remain healthy and less afraid of going to the dentist. To schedule your child’s first dental appointment or make a recurring appointment, call our office at 603-624-3900.

Lindner Dental Awards a Limo Ride to School to 7-year-old Juliette for her Amazing Toothbrush Design

Lindner Dental Associates in Bedford, NH recently held a toothbrush design contest for local children. The response was nothing short of amazing! There were 63 entries submitted including a life-sized toothbrush, a toothbrush made out of legos, a snowman toothbrush, a giraffe and so many more wonderful entries.

“All the entries were so incredibly creative, it made it very difficult to choose a winner! ” said Dr. Ashley Frankinburger, Pediatric Dentist at Lindner Dental Associates. “We had our entire staff vote on staff day and that is how the final winner was ultimately chosen.”

The lucky winner was 7-year-old Juliette Beloin from Bedford, NH. Juliette wowed the Lindner Dental staff judges with her “SeaShell Sparkle Brush.” This incredible toothbrush was comprised of mini shell bristles for crevices and getting build up, a two-minute siren song brushing timer and a mermaid hair flossing dispenser.

Juliette was super excited to win the contest and is excited for her grand prize of a limousine ride to her Riddle Brook Elementary School with 5 of her friends on Thursday, September 28! Our amazing and talented winner was featured on WMUR-TV! Check out the short video below to see a glimpse of her story, and how it was all made possible by Lindner Dental Associates! 

Schedule Your Dental Appointment With Us in Bedford, NH!

Lindner Dental Associates is proud to interact with their community and show local children the importance of a healthy smile! Our board-certified pediatric dentists and dental team are committed to providing top-quality dental services to Bedford and the surrounding area. If you or your child needs a dentist appointment, our team can help. We offer pediatric, adult, and cosmetic dental services, orthodontics, and oral surgery. Learn more about our dental services by contacting us today, or learn more about Lindner Dental Associates and our other amazing dental tips or stories in our blog!

How To Prevent Dental Anxiety in Children

It’s normal for children and adults to feel fear and stress at their dentist appointments.
Everything is new and unknown to them, and the medical setting can be a bit overwhelming.
Preventing their dental anxiety starts by bringing them to the dentist at an early age so they can
get used to teeth cleanings and exams. There are other ways to help your child cope with their
dental anxiety, and understanding the importance of going to the dentist can help prevent future
dental issues. Learn below how to avoid dental anxiety in children so you can teach your child
the importance of good oral health!

Three Reasons for Dental Anxiety in Children

There are many reasons for dental anxiety in children. To help your child overcome their fear, it’s
important first to know where it comes from.

Fear Of Pain

Fear of pain is one of the most common reasons children are anxious about the dentist. The
dentist isn’t always a painful experience compared to what children hear about from adults or
other children’s scary dental moments. Pain associated with going to the dentist has a bad
reputation and can make your child fearful their appointment will hurt. Pediatric dentists are
specifically trained to help your child feel comfortable during their entire treatment. Alleviating
pain and worry from start to finish is what they are committed to doing for your child.

Fear Of Having No Control

Many children fear feeling trapped in a dental chair and not knowing what will happen during
their procedure. Having no control can be a scary thought for not only children but adults too.
Having tools in their mouth can cause them to be afraid of not being able to control or
communicate how they are feeling. This can be very overwhelming and cause them to cry or
become restless during their appointment, making them even more anxious for the next one.
Pediatric dentists can pause between sections of the mouth and communicate with your child to
see how they are doing. This will not only give them a break but keep them comfortable and
relaxed throughout.

Fear Of The Unknown

When a child goes to the dentist, they fear what will happen. Not knowing something can be
scary, especially for children at a young age who are not always aware of what’s happening.
Many children may fear having a cavity or what things will feel like in their mouths. Sometimes it
may even be hard to pinpoint what they are afraid of. They may be anxious because they do not
know why they need a procedure or what it will do to them. Being honest and open with your
child will help them feel they are aware of their appointment.

How To Alleviate Dental Anxiety & Make Your

Child Comfortable

Every parent wants to alleviate the stress and anxiety that comes from their child’s dentist
appointment. There are many ways to make your child more comfortable at their next dentist
appointment. Discover below how to prevent dental anxiety in your child and teach them how to
cope before their appointments.

Bring a comfort item: Many children have a favorite toy or blanket that makes them feel
safe and comfortable. This item may help them feel more relaxed during their dental

Provide a distraction: Keeping your child distracted while in a medical setting can help
keep them feel more relaxed while waiting for their appointment. Letting them play on
your phone or tablet or listen to music in the waiting room will distract them from where
they are. Some dental offices have games for children to enjoy as well.

Use positive reinforcement: Teaching your child, positive reinforcement will make them
feel brave and motivated. Rewarding them after their visit will make them feel confident
to take on the appointment to seek the reward. Letting them have a treat, play video
games, or pick a place for lunch will soon teach them that going to the dentist isn’t as
bad as it seems.

Be honest and communicate: Communicating with your child and the dental staff is the
best way to help your child cope with their anxiety. Let the dental team know your child is
nervous and let your child know that you will be there by their side the whole time. Being
honest with them will help them feel comfortable and build trust.

Do not delay dental care: Avoiding your child’s dental appointments because of their
anxiety is never the answer. Putting off an appointment will put them at risk of developing
worse dental problems and requiring more extensive treatments later on.

Make An Appointment With A Friendly & Welcoming

Pediatric Dentist in Bedford, NH

At Lindner Dental Associates, we understand your child may be nervous or restless in our
chairs. Our team of board-certified pediatric dentists are committed to providing a comfortable
and welcoming environment that helps take their minds off being at the dentist. Our pediatric
dentists are gentle, patient, and committed to teaching your little one the importance of clean
teeth and great oral care. Learn more about our pediatric dental services in Bedford, NH, and
contact us to make an appointment!

Hygiene Recommendations For Our Braces Patients

The perfect smile and straight teeth are a winning combination: you are more confident with your smile, and your teeth are easier to keep clean. However, if you are one of many who need braces to achieve this, the brackets and wires create temporary oral hygiene challenges. We are going to review helpful tips and advice to care for your teeth with braces.

  • Brush after you eat.  Keep a soft, round-bristle toothbrush with you and brush after every meal or snack. Clean between your teeth with interdental brushes. If you are snacking on the go and don’t have a toothbrush with you, swish your mouth with water. This helps to remove food particles.
  • Brush at the gum line and below the brackets. Brush at a 45-degree angle with bristles pointed toward your gum line, then brush the top and bottom brackets.
  • Floss at least once daily. Please use the floss threaders or Platypus flossers to get behind the wire.
  • Water flossers are also great to help remove food debris; however, they do not take the place of regular dental floss.
  • Visit your Orthodontist and do not skip appointments. Make sure to see your orthodontist and keep your appointments. Catching any developing conditions early on is key to caring for your teeth.

And of course, eat healthy foods! Sugary foods can get stuck in your brackets, and are more likely to cause tooth decay. Avoiding the following foods as they can lead to damaging your braces:

  • Popcorn
  • Jellybeans
  • Taffy
  • Nuts
  • Gum
  • Hard candy
  • Caramel
  • Soda and Gatorade

Braces can be uncomfortable when you first get them, so practicing good oral hygiene at first can seem challenging. Be patient, as most of the discomfort goes away, and like anything new, when you do it enough, it becomes part of your routine. Before you know it, you’ll get your braces removed and you can show off that winning smile.

Lindner Dental Associates and Our Promise to Nicholas: 12 Years of Smiles and Sponsorship

April 17, 2023 – Bedford NH: Lindner Dental Associates has been a proud sponsor of Our Promise to Nicholas (OPTN) for 12 years, bringing smiles to children and their families from the greater Bedford area. Established in 2009 as a nonprofit charitable foundation, OPTN was founded by Chris and Heather Dainiak of Bedford, NH, after their son Nicholas was diagnosed with a rare, fatal neurological brain disease called Batten Disease. Nicholas’ parents promised him that they would work tirelessly to find a cure.  An estimated two to four children out of 100,000 in the United States are affected with this debilitating disease. 

With a commitment to serving the greater Bedford community, Lindner Dental Associates provides outstanding dental care for people of all ages, and supports many causes, especially those that are youth oriented. Held at the NH Sportsplex in Bedford, 1200 guests attended the event, with 100 volunteers, and 25 vendors and sponsors in rows of tables lining the indoor field with eggs filled with goodies from each child. 375 eggs were given to the children that came to our table, along with other items, and a corn hole game that is always great fun. This year, the Tooth Fairy made her appearance and was a great hit with the everyone, especially the children. With her magic bubble wand, she enchanted all, and answered lots of questions.  OPTN raised $20,000, going toward science, research nursing care and family support toward children with Batten Disease. 

Dental Services in Bedford, NH: Lindner Dental

If you are interested in learning more about Lindner Dental Associates, please visit us on the website, as or call us at 603-624-3900. We would love to have you and your family become part of our dental family!

Why Facial Protection and Mouthguards are a MUST

We want to remind you to play it safe when participating in any type of recreational or organized
activity where your face may come into contact with anything that can damage your mouth and teeth!
An estimated 12 million people ages 5 to 22 have a sports-related injury. This has led to 20 million
lost days of school and approximately $33 billion in healthcare costs.

The most common causes of dental injuries include:

  • falling over
  • being hit in the face
  • having an accident while playing a sport

Some activities and sports are more likely than others to lead to accidents that cause dental injury.
The most common activities that lead to childhood injuries are: basketball, football, bicycling,
playgrounds, soccer, lacrosse, hockey, trampolining and skateboarding.

While some sports related injuries are unavoidable, many can be prevented. Mouth guards and
facemasks have been shown to reduce both the frequency and severity of dental and facial trauma.
It’s best to wear a fitted mouth guard (one that’s custom-made by your dentist).

At Lindner Dental Associates, we make custom mouth guards using cutting-edge digital scanning
technology and 3D printers. Digital impressions allow the dentist to create a virtual, computer-
generated replica of the hard and soft tissues in the mouth using lasers and other optical scanning
devices. This technology captures clear and accurate impressions in minutes, without the need for
traditional impression materials (goop) that are often times messy, can have a bad taste, and are
notoriously uncomfortable. Digital scans are fast, accurate and comfortable! Once the digital scan is
taken, 3D printers are used to print highly precise models of your teeth and a lab technician uses the
models to fabricate your customize mouth guard.

We want to help you prevent serious and painful injuries that can take the fun out of what you enjoy.
Whether your child is playing a contact sport or just having fun at recess, at the park, or a backyard
game of kickball, accidents happen. Mouth guards are a must!

For more information, contact us at

Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate – The Importance of Good Dental Care Essentials

Cleft lip and palate are the most common birth defects on the U.S. Cleft lip is a baby’s upper lip doesn’t form completely, and has an opening in it.  Cleft palate is a baby’s palate (roof of the mouth) doesn’t form completely and has an opening in it. 

  •  1 in every 1,600 babies is born with cleft lip and cleft palate
  •  1 in every 2,800 babies is born with cleft lip without cleft palate
  •  1 in every 1,700 babies is born with cleft palate

Both cleft lip and cleft palate occurs between in early pregnancy, between 4 and 7 weeks for the baby’s lip to form and the palate forms between 6 and 9 weeks of pregnancy. Oral clefts don’t always happen together—a baby can have one without the other 

Most babies are diagnosed with cleft lip or cleft palate after birth, while some babies with certain types of cleft palate may not be diagnosed until later in life. If you have an ultrasound, your provider may see your baby’s cleft lip or palate. Babies and children born with cleft lip or palate generally have dental problems. After surgical repair, and as children grow, they generally have missing, extra, or malformed teeth, and are at a higher risk for cavities, periodontal disease, and other oral health problems. Routine dental care and orthodontic monitoring are critical to having successful outcomes. 

With good support from parents and your dental team, providing your child with good dental care, ensures that they will have healthy teeth and a beautiful smile. 

Dental Services in Bedford, NH: Lindner Dental

We at Lindner Dental Associates are experts at treating children with cleft lip and palate and look forward to caring for your child. For more information, contact us on our webpage or call us at 603-624-3900! 

3 Ways To Determine if Your Child Needs Braces

Teeth braces are commonly used to address a variety of dental problems, including crooked teeth, gaps, or straightening. Not every child will need braces, but those who do usually get them between the ages of 8 and 14. A child’s genetics play a large role in whether or not they may need braces. If your teeth were in need of braces, there is a good chance your child might as well.

Does your child need braces? Here are three things to look for:

1. Your Child Has Crowded Teeth 

When your child has lost all their baby teeth, it will not be long until their adult teeth start to grow. A common issue some children run into is not having enough room for their adult teeth to grow. This is known as crowded teeth. Crowded teeth can cause discomfort and restrict new teeth from growing properly. Braces are a common solution for crowded teeth, as the braces are fitted to guide teeth into proper locations.

2. Your Child Has Gaps Between Teeth

New adult teeth can grow at different rates. As your child ages into their teenage years, it is not uncommon for gaps to occur in between teeth. Braces can address gaps by pulling the teeth closer together and closing the gap. 

3. Your Child’s Teeth Look Misaligned 

Misaligned teeth can cause discomfort or difficulty chewing. Fortunately, teeth that are not straight or misaligned can easily be fixed with braces. The moment you notice your child’s teeth are misaligned, the sooner you should contact a dental expert and inquire about braces. 

Contact Lindner Dental in Bedford, NH! 

If you have any questions or need assistance determining if your child needs braces, contact our expert team at Lindner Dental! Our amazing orthodontists will be happy to help any way we can! With our decades of experience, passion, and commitment, you and your child will be in good hands!